
Next generation FE tool for geotechnical practitioners

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Next generation FE tool for geotechnical practitioners

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Next generation FE tool for geotechnical practitioners


Next generation FE tool for geotechnical practitioners

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Seepage and groundwater flow



Slope stability


Retaining walls

Monopile foundation

OPTUM G2 is the ideal solution for shallow foundation analysis and design. The unique Optum analysis type of Limit Analysis provides a means for determining bearing capacities in an efficient and convenient manner. Rigorous upper and lower bounds can be computed to bracket the true solution from above and below, thus providing an in-built means of numerical verification. Elastoplastic and consolidation analysis are available for determining settlements.

Project description

Deep excavations are often risky undertakings that require careful planning and, as part of that, detailed and accurate analysis. The reliability and efficiency of OPTUM G2 makes it the ideal tool the simulation of deep excavations. Accurate soil models and a wide array of tools and options for modelling support systems, from retaining walls to anchors and soil nails, are available.

Project description

Design of monopile foundations, i.e. most often large diameter steel piles resisting later loads of a large superstructure, can in many cases be carried out using the well-know p-y method. In many cases a full 3D FE soil-structure analysis is carried out e.g. to optimize the design and make significant reduction of steel usage or as a direct customer requirement.

When working with monopile foundations, we recommend using our 3D software OPTUM G3.

A road, railway line or canal is normally raised onto an embankment made of compacted soil (typically clay or rock-based) to avoid a change in level required by the terrain. OPTUM G2 provides an efficient and reliable means of simulating the construction of embankments. Settlements and pore pressures are calculated in a straightforward manner and the overall stability of the embankment can be gauged at any time.

Project description

In OPTUM G2, factors of safety are computed using Strength Reduction Finite Element Limit Analysis (SR-FELA).Besides short calculation times, SR-FELA also provides the possibility to calculate rigorous upper and lower bounds on the true factor of safety. In practice, this means that the true factor of safety can be determined with within a negligible tolerance in a matter of seconds.

Project description

In Retaining walls come in a wide variety of types including mass gravity walls, mechanically stabilized earth walls, gabion walls and sheet pile walls. All of these can be analysed efficiently and accurately using the OPTUM G2. The unique ability to compute rigorous upper and lower bounds on the true factor of safety add confidence in the results. When combined with mesh adaptivity, the result is a superior tool for design of retaining walls.

Project description

In Retaining walls come in a wide variety of types including mass gravity walls, mechanically stabilized earth walls, gabion walls and sheet pile walls. All of these can be analysed efficiently and accurately using the OPTUM G2. The unique ability to compute rigorous upper and lower bounds on the true factor of safety add confidence in the results. When combined with mesh adaptivity, the result is a superior tool for design of retaining walls.

Project description

OPTUM G2 – Geotechnical design made simple


Load-displacement FE analysis 

Precise and realistic assessment of displacements is a fundamental part of many design tasks. With elastoplastic and consolidation analysis, a wide range of problems can be effectively designed. Staged analysis has never been easier with the user activating and deactivating regions in solid model – not on the meshed model. 


Calculate limit load – in one step!

Get access to the most advanced FE capabilities on the market – tailored and made accessible for engineering practitioners. With and unique built-in Limit Analysis options you can now calculate bearing capacities in a single step. Use this unique and amazingly fast analysis type in connection with traditional elasto-plastic analysis and move faster and safer ahead than ever before


One package – many tools

One package for all design cases. Complete 2D plane strain and axisymmetric solution including elastoplastic, limit analysis, flow, consolidation and phi-c reduction gets you through most geotechnical problems – faster, easier and safer than ever before. Material models vary from simple to very advanced – all made accessible for geotechnical practitioners.


Model creation – intuitive and fast

The user-friendely interface lets you setup models in an intuitive and logical workflow. Easily define soil layers with the drawing tool or input profiles with user defined variation as well as table look-up. Add structural elements like piles, plates, anchors and geogrids. For more complex geometry import your CAD file directly. Never again worry about mesh with the unique automatic adaptive mesh functionality


Shallow foundation - Upper and lower bounds

Strength Reduction Analysis

Exporting and beautifying figures

Water Pressures

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